Migrant workers are all those persons who work outside thier country of origin, in other words are the people who leave their country in search of a better future for them and their families. Some leave becuse they want to go in search of better opportunities, in a more developed country than their nation, but others leave because they have no other choice, due to violence or poverty. Normally migrant workers come from low countries and go in search of developed countries where they offer more security in terms of political backup in all basic human rights. In most cases migrant workers are unvalued and are exploited, because when they transfer to a different country, in most cases they are low class persons with few resources to lean to. For this reason a work permission is necessary in order to have the same working rights as other citizens. If not, migrants will have to accept works which are for people without a university tittle, even if they have one they wont be able to aim a good paying work in any place.
On the other hand we can see these migrant workers as contributors of cultural exchange.Because as they migrate to other nations they come along with all their traditions and beliefs, this is when we can get subculture in nations or mixed cultures. In a negative aspect migrant workers can also seem like a threat to the country they are moving to. In first instance, if they are high qualifyed, they can take jobs away from the non migrants, leaving the country with less opportunities of well paid salaries for them. And if they are not qualifyed or with experience, it would affect directly the domestic economy, so either ways this transaction would end with positive and negative results but anyway well developed countries dont want foreighns to keep the work from the nationals.
For you to understan the real issues of migrant workers here is a linked vieo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z5FpfiP6K8
1) Do you think the point system in Canada is meant to protect the countrys sovereignity? Or is it just a deliberated form of discrimination? Why?
In my opinion Canada is not a discriminating nation, the truth is that every country should protect its own sovereignity. Canada cant afford letting every single person enter their country in search of work. They are choosing the people who best suits the profile for jobs in their country to reach a high level in economy and competition. I dont see the point system as a form of discrimination I see it as a proper way of selection to know what is best for all the people who live there. If it wasent for this measure any person could go in and out how they please, and this would cause internal problems sooner or later. Another thing to have into account is that migrant workers are a big part of a countrys population, because migrants are not only those of low resources and undeveloped countries, they are also students or people who travel constantly and looks for a working temporary contract. Anyway, there selection point is not so strict because sometimes people are able to enter eventough they dont achieve the expected standards. A country has to regulate and control, to prevent in the futur bigger complications. Discrimination has always been a very polemic theme, and it should because the truth is we are all equal, but in reality there will always exist discimination in a higher or lower proportion.
For the point system you need at least 67 points and it works with six categories which are:
- Education: (max 25 points) completed education.
- Languages: (max 24 points) english and french are the two official languages of this country.
- Work experience: (max 21points) it is requiered at least one year of experience.
- Age: (max 10 points) between the 21-49 years old you get the maximum of points.
- Arranged employment in Canada:(max 10 points) points will be given if you have a job at Canada with a valid work permission.
- Adaptability: (max 10 points) this factor gives you points when seeing the adaptability of getting settled in Canada.
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