The European Union has 27 member states, and each state has its own culture which makes this continent pretty diverse. The European Union started after the second world war, and this union was created exactly for this mean to create unity, partnershi and hace solidarity between them. The European Union was created on the basis of liberty, democracy and the respect for laws and human rights. There is a majority that beliefs that Turkey shouldnt be a part of this group due to its enormous differencess but but the other side the EU was created specialle for diversity terms. There are several web pages that confirm how the EU supports diversity.
On the other hand we have a clear example of how a well known company as wal-mart failed in Germany and not in the other countries. The reason that explains this is that cultures have bug differences and one og these was costumer service, in Germany people dont like others to do things for them. Germans prefer to do things alone and do them their way. Here are some examples on how diversity can affect some economies and how in marketing they are shown clearly, because due to this differences marketing styles are defined but for this exact reason is why they fail.
Co-determinism in Germany, mention 3 arguments in favor and 3 against.
This principle describes two different levels of employee participation. Another name is employer-employee partnership,this holds that employees are really important for the organization. This relation can have really positive aspects due to the participation of employees in decision making, all these to facilitate the environment.
In favor:
- Integration within the company, as it was mentioned above employees can participate, and thanks to this participation they can asume the role of caring for the company.
- Quality in decision making, the best optioned to know about the company are the workers who spen most part of their time in it, so for this reason they can give a better judgement of what its neccessary to do.
- Innovation and creativity, this is due to the workers participation because as being treatted with respect and taken into account they would feel more important and make good suggestions from a different point of view.
- Not competitive, it is seen as an old model.
- Different interests, workers worry more about benefits for groupism and owners worry more about numbers; money.
- The model doesnt match with the Germans culture, because they are seen as a more agressive country.
- http://europa.eu/about-eu/27-member-countries/index_en.htm
- http://http//www.eurofound.europa.eu/emire/GERMANY/CODETERMINATION-DE.htm
- notes taken in class.
- image taken from: http://http//www.venceremos.cu/pags/varias/el_mundo_hoy/imagenes/union_europea_3024288.jpg
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