Wednesday, May 12, 2010


In this new chapter we will see some of the reasons why america has been a world power and why is disney also compared to their lifestyle. Americans have always been determined and effective persons, their culture has always worked towards perfection. In this same way is how disney applies its working style. Their priority is giving good service mora than quality. The disney workers are alway aggressively friendly, altough they are an individualistic culture they have meetings where they all give important suggestions in order to work better by themselfves. In America money has always been an important matter but more than that is work, you are depending on what you do. Self motivation during work is very important due to the acknowledgement by others and good results.


Another important characteristic of americans and disneys workers is the constant improvement that they practice day after day. For them is really important to learn from mistakes and as it was mentioned before the goal is reaching perfection. This perfection is what motivates them to be every day better, and by this what they want is to jump to higher working positions. Their dream is to make new challenges everyday and gain recognition.

1)List and explain 3 strategies used by HP in order to develop and sustain a strong organizational culture:
The first strategy is to make a close link to employees and the company this can be done by telling stories that motivate them and make them feel closer with it. Also by taking role models so they can relate easier. The second is made to help feel the employees good, and for them to feel comfortable. And the third but not least is making an environment easy to addapt, for workers to be familarized with the company.
2)By 2001, Karly Fiorina was facing a huge dilemma in terms of organizational culture. Should Fiorina try to revitalize the HP way or attempt to replace it with a better culture than the one stablished by Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett in the 1940s?Explain your answer.
An easy way to solve it would be through a revision of the organizational culture, the way it functioned didnt seem to have anything wrong but as you know everything is in constant change, so as this happens the organizational culture should make a reflection on how to catch up. Its about taking all the positive aspects and turning them into strong points of models. This way everything leads to efficiency and this way an organization can work better.


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