Our new topic is South Asia, it is very diverse due to the numerous countries that cover it. Between these we have: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Buthan, Maldives, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. As it has a huge population, it holds a dramatic share of poverty. The most common problems that this region faces are big portions of corruption, unjust distribution of wealth and political instability due to Pakistan and India.
To contrast these negative aspects i will mention some of their positive gains, as in the fields of education, industry,information and technology, health care, pharmaceutical industry, outsourcing and human resources. Thanks to these achievements South Asia has earned a great aspects in terms of globalization and how it is seen from a international perspective.
Some specific considerations are: the most common language is Hindi, altough english has gained a particular force in education, and the most practiced religions are Hinduism and Buddhism.
In terms of organizational culture, an environment that stimulates creativity and motivation can lead to a better level of productivity and quality. Employees are important, this is why they are a matter of concern for their welfare in order to achieve productivity which is one the most important goals for companies. India is the most concerned country in terms of productivity this is why their essential elements are: clarity, integration of the elements of work and adaptability to change. A usefull tool that other countries perceive as attractive is that the india population can speack english, and these facilitates the communication taking a shortcut trough cultural dimensions and boundaries.
1) What do you think are the reasons behind the fast- growth outsourcing industry in India?
Due to its huge population and well educated people India is a good opportunity for bussines in terms of investment and outsourcing. Besides India manages low costs and guaranteed quality, another attractive quality is the time zone because in India they can work while in America they are sleeping. India created basic compromises with work orientation, as in integrity values, costumer service, setting goals and good team work.
- According to the case : HR challenges at computer age managent services ltd. , the author mentions that India is very powerful in the outsourcing industry. India has been observed as a fast growing economy, and their employees have been capacitated to develop from the simplest tasks all over to the most difficult and advanced ones. These are well trained persons which have been educated to deal internationally, the good part is that they are young and start working with interesting opportunities and salaries. Altough they are not to stay during a long period in each task or work, they from one to another. This is the important part becuase it is where they get all their experience from, working in different things gives you more knowledge and more property to do do things correctly and in a more efficient way.
- image from: http://http//digicoll.library.wisc.edu/SouthAsiaIndex/graphics/SouthAsiaIndexHome.jpg
- file://compulsory%20readings:agarwal,%20sanjeev,%20thomas%20e%20decarlo,%20shyam%20b.%20vyas,%20&%20source:.%201999.%20leadership%20behavior%20and%20organizational%20commitment:%20a%20comparative%20study%20of%20american%20and%20indian%20salespersons.%20journal%20of%20international%20business%20studies,%2030(4):%20727-43./
- class notes.
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